Contents tagged with body condition score (BCS)
26 August 2021
Find out why the correct body condition score at calving is such an important part of effective transition management.
26 November 2020
Preparation is key to successfully drying off cattle and avoiding infections.
18 December 2023
A flowchart on how to assess body condition score in dairy cattle, using the Penn State assessment method. Use the step-by-step guide to work out the body condition score of individual cows, using the coloured step markers, images and detailed steps to guide you.
18 December 2023
A pad to allow you to record body condition score at different times during the lactation
22 May 2020
A visual and manual demonstration of body condition scoring of sows from an indoor breeding herd
22 May 2020
A visual and manual demonstration of body condition scoring of sows from an outdoor breeding herd
5 October 2020
How to body condition score (BCS) sows to ensure the health, welfare, productivity and longevity of your breeding pig herd.
5 February 2025
If you haven’t already, now is the time to body condition score your weaned ewes and suckler cows.
29 November 2018
Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, usually caused by bacterial infection. It can present as subclinical infection or clinical disease, which can be acute (sudden, short-term) or chronic (long-term).